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viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

Chris Senoga-Zake, refuerzo aspirante para 2013



Chris Senoga-Zake es un muchacho de 29 años de Florida. Es un baloncelista profesional, participando en Europa (específicamente Alemania, con Rattelsdorf Independents) y en República Dominicana. Tienen experiencia en entrenamientos de campo en la NBA. Mide 6'2'' y tiene variedad de destrezas en la cancha. Tiene excelente manejo de la bola, al igual que una afilada abilidad natural para anotar.

Chris nos conoció durante la temporada BSN 2012 y expresó su interés en jugar aquí para 2013. Miren nuestra entrevista con Chris arriba para más. Adelante, un vídeo de Chris Senoga-Zake en cancha.

Chris Senoga-Zake is a 29-year old from Florida. He is a professional basketball player, having participated in Europe (Specifically Germany, with Rattelsdorf Independents) and Dominican Republic. Has NBA training camp experience. He is 6'2'' and has an array of skills on the court. Has excellent ball-handling ability, as well as a keen natural scoring ability.

Chris met us during the 2012 Superior Basketball League (BSN, by Spanish acronym) season and expressed his interest to play here in 2013. Above, look at our interview with Chris for more. Below, a video highlight of Chris Senoga-Zake on the court.


1 comentario:

  1. Kriz you did a great job with the interview I look forward to seeing you in March and I'll be sure to follow up with you and the fans every two months as I prepare to leave for overseas in the next few weeks. Thanks again and God bless you. Talk to you soon.
